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Kingdom Impact at Lifepoint Church

What is Kingdom Impact?

A Message From Pastor Tony

Here at Lifepoint Church, we strive to create a culture of extreme generosity. We see giving as a privilege, not an obligation. Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you to give above and beyond your tithe, so that He would be glorified and we would witness greater “Kingdom Impact.”

Thank you.
Tony Orlando, Campus Pastor
Lifepoint Church

Giving Options:

Kingdom Impact is a way of leading the Great Commission through a community who faithfully give above and beyond. From children to adults, the profile of one who has Kingdom Impact is the same. This community is built of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to give, over and above their tithes, to Local Church Expansion, Global Missions, and Future Christian Leaders.

Everyone has the ability to be a Kingdom Impact participant. It is not about the money people have, but the sacrifice they are willing to make. The way we hope to teach at Lifepoint is that anyone who gives above and beyond their tithe, no matter how little or how much, they will have lasting Kingdom Impact.


First, make a plan to give. When you have plans, that are diligent, it leads to plenty [Proverbs 21:5]. Whatever the amount is – have the plan in place, work the plan and be obedient with it. Start there.


Next, ask God to give you a vision for what He could do through you with His help. This is beyond what you can do in your natural income. This requires you to take a step of faith. Additionally, Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write that vision down and pray about it!!! “God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus [Philippians 4:19]. Stepping out in faith pleases God.


Lastly, what would be a dream amount that you could give? Hold onto it. This number is only between you and God. That’s why we don’t see this as a “pledge.” We see this as an act of worship that is between you and God. As you take this step of faith, watch God move you closer to His dream. “God can do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we can ask or imagine” [Ephesians 3:20].

Local 20%-40%

We are committed to funding the church locally through future expansion on the current church facility, additional on-site development, future planting of Spanish a speaking congregation, and local church planting efforts that minister to the hurting in our own backyards. Here are some examples of Local opportunities for Kingdom Impact.

Global* 40%-60%

Through Kingdom Impact, we support key missions projects across the globe. Some examples of our global Kingdom Impact partners are:

* We have already committed 10% of all moneys that we receive automatically through undesignated gifts as well to support the work of Missionaries across this globe. The list above includes more Missions Projects and organizations, not simply missionaries who are ministering on the field.

Future Christian Leaders 10%-15%

Kingdom Impact believes that this upcoming generation is not the “church of the future,” but the church of right now. It is our dream to train up leaders with a passion for God, His Word, and a heart for the lost. We want to raise up leaders from within, but we also desire to be a sending church. Our Kingdom Impact partnerships work with organizations that care for the physical and spiritual needs of our future leaders. Some examples of these partners are: